#employee retention

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3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Personal connections at work positively impact retention and mental health, says report

Human connections at work remain vital for employee satisfaction and retention. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

8 in 10 Employers Have Lost Talent to RTO Policies

Companies lose talent due to Return-to-Office mandates, impacting employee retention and overall company performance. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

The Growing Disconnect Between Workers And Employers

Employers need to address the disconnect between worker expectations and what they are providing, especially regarding flexibility and remote work options. [ more ]
Fast Company
4 weeks ago

Leading a company isn't rocket science. But the two fields have an important lesson in common

Leaders should engage in long-term, generational planning and mission-driven initiatives to inspire and retain talent. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

You'll Never Escape the Cycle of Turnover If You Don't Learn This Important Skill | Entrepreneur

Attracting and retaining employees is a significant challenge for entrepreneurs. Active listening can help retain talent and reduce turnover costs. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

1 in 3 LGBTQ staff feel their identity has negatively impacted career

Lack of LGBTQ+ inclusion harms career potential. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Personal connections at work positively impact retention and mental health, says report

Human connections at work remain vital for employee satisfaction and retention. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

8 in 10 Employers Have Lost Talent to RTO Policies

Companies lose talent due to Return-to-Office mandates, impacting employee retention and overall company performance. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

The Growing Disconnect Between Workers And Employers

Employers need to address the disconnect between worker expectations and what they are providing, especially regarding flexibility and remote work options. [ more ]
Fast Company
4 weeks ago

Leading a company isn't rocket science. But the two fields have an important lesson in common

Leaders should engage in long-term, generational planning and mission-driven initiatives to inspire and retain talent. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

You'll Never Escape the Cycle of Turnover If You Don't Learn This Important Skill | Entrepreneur

Attracting and retaining employees is a significant challenge for entrepreneurs. Active listening can help retain talent and reduce turnover costs. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

1 in 3 LGBTQ staff feel their identity has negatively impacted career

Lack of LGBTQ+ inclusion harms career potential. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to Build Team Culture in a Remote-Work World | Entrepreneur

Hiring a remote workforce widens the hiring pool, increases employee retention, and results in higher cost savings.
Managers need to intentionally commit to building team culture in a remote work environment. [ more ]
#client relations
The Drum
6 months ago

HROC talks about 44 years of retaining clients

HROC won the Client Relations award at The Drum Awards for Agency Business by impressing judges with their commitment to becoming an extension of clients' marketing teams.
HROC has a 100% employee retention rate, double the average UK agency rate. [ more ]
The Drum
6 months ago

HROC talks about 44 years of retaining clients

HROC won the Client Relations award at The Drum Awards for Agency Business by impressing judges with their commitment to becoming an extension of clients' marketing teams.
HROC has a 100% employee retention rate, double the average UK agency rate. [ more ]
The Drum
6 months ago

HROC talks about 44 years of retaining clients

HROC won the Client Relations award at The Drum Awards for Agency Business by impressing judges with their commitment to becoming an extension of clients' marketing teams.
HROC has a 100% employee retention rate, double the average UK agency rate. [ more ]
The Drum
6 months ago

HROC talks about 44 years of retaining clients

HROC won the Client Relations award at The Drum Awards for Agency Business by impressing judges with their commitment to becoming an extension of clients' marketing teams.
HROC has a 100% employee retention rate, double the average UK agency rate. [ more ]
moreclient relations
The Drum
6 months ago
Online marketing

HROC talks about 44 years of retaining clients

HROC won the Client Relations award at The Drum Awards for Agency Business by impressing judges with their commitment to becoming an extension of clients' marketing teams.
HROC has a 100% employee retention rate, double the average UK agency rate. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Rising workforce attrition could leave SMEs facing costs of 10,500 to 70,000 per employee to replace talent

20% of UK workers are at high risk of leaving their jobs in the next year
Employee experience plays a crucial role in retention rates [ more ]
6 months ago
Remote teams

New incentives could boost satisfaction with in-person work, but few employers are making changes

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work, with many jobs moving online.
Returning to the office is a significant hurdle for employers and workers.
Companies are struggling to retain employees who do not want to work in person. [ more ]
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